The History of
Launched in 2005, AltCar Expo & Conference has grown to be one of the most innovative and respective alternative technology transportation events in the Country for both professionals and public. Over the years, AltCar has been the venue for legislative hearings, National and International vehicle reveals, agency program roll outs and announcements, globally renowned speakers and the West Coast’s sole location to view every vehicle option in one convenient location.
AltCar remains an organic mix of serious business and policy interactions with genuine grass roots activism. Admission to the Expo has always been free for the exhibits and Ride & Drive, with a negligible charge for the industry based Conference. The event has retained our nimble cutting edge format which allows us to offer riveting presentations without adherence to sponsor driven content.
AltCar has been held in the Cities of Santa Monica, Oakland, Richmond, Sacramento, Riverside, Moreno Valley, Austin and Dallas. The DOE was instrumental in establishing the AltCar Conference in the Inland Empire where we have had tremendous success and results, attracting a regional attendance saturation of fleets, sustainability directors, lawmakers, academia, media, NGOs and more. We provide all of the information is a short digestible format that allows these decision makers to take direct action immediately .
We look forward to continuing to grow this necessary and vital event in the Inland Empire.

To provide a very accessible and comprehensive setting where both industry and general public can discover existing alternatives to the way they use energy and transportation and motivate everyone to take further action.
AltCar addresses the many other issues associated with our energy and transportation choices such as urban planning, mass transit, energy generation & use, policy & regulations, telecommuting, sustainable lifestyle choices, reducing carbon footprints and more.